Tuesday, March 30, 2010

springs in the air

Well its Tuesday..3 more days to go of the week. Blah. Do you ever just have one of those really long weeks? Allready, and it's only been 2days! I wish I could win the lottery and then that way I wouldn't have to put up with the crazy mess I have to from 7-5 everyday. I guess that's what this blog is for--venting! :) anywayyss, I'm still reading Twilight 3. Its going slow because I have ssooo much going on. It feels like it never ends. I'm so glad the rain seems to be stopping! The rest of the week it's suppose to be in the upper 70s supperrr glad about that! I can feel spring in the air with my allergies- feeling it in my ears, nose, throat .. Everywhere. Well on the bright side we are booking our trip to Cancun in August today! Should be a lot of fun. Were gonna go to X caret and swim in the lagoons with sea turtles and dolphins! Really can't wait. Well enough about my life again. Seeyah next time! Casey*

Thursday, March 25, 2010

melting pot loveeee it

So tonight is the melting pot!! So excited; I'm going with a bunch of my girl friends. My hub and I go once a year bc its so expensive but I'm splurging tonight. Sooooo excited. Can u tell? This wkend is going to be great. My husbands uncle from hawaii flew in yesterday! Were having a party for him Friday. Saturday we are going to the DC and coming home Sunday. Hopefully the rain will hold off!!

Monday, March 22, 2010

just another manic monday...wish it was sunday...thats my funday

Does anyone ever feel that way?? I love that song! Today has been a great Monday--well I was off so that's probably what made it so great. Went to Kohls, out to breakfast and just hung out w. My momma and hubby! I can't believe spring is in the air. This wkend has been perfect. Saturday was in the 70s..very nice day! We tried to go to the zoo but they were jammin! I guess everybody had the same idea that we had. We went to doumars in Norfolk which was delicious then well attempted to go to the zoo. Didn't work out so great but hey there's all summer. I'd like to go to the Washington zoo. That'll be this summer too! Well I'm going to go read my addiction. :) Twilight 3. I'm on chp 12..in two days--for me, a slow reader..that's pretty darn good. Haha anyways have a great week. Hopefully this rain goes away and the sun shines bright again. Casey*

Friday, March 19, 2010

Gorgeous Day Out

Hooraayyy for Fridays! I love them. I especiaallyy love this one for 2 reasons. Reason # uno: my hubby comes home today ... and Reason # 2: the gorgeous weather!!!! Wowwww. I LOVE IT. Oh 3rd Reason..Im off, duhh. :) Not much to do today, some cleaning..gotta take my mom to her physical therapy appt and then waiting for my hub to get home from petersburg. Unfortuatly he has to go back agaaiinnn next week. So over this outta town crap. But everyone keeps telling me at least he has a job so thats definitly true! So I finished the 2nd Twilight book New Moon last night, about 1AM. Im really glad I finished it, I was going to skip it and just go to #3 but decided to suck it up. Im glad I did, it turned out being pretty good. Everyone says that #2 is thier least favorite. I'll let you know when I'm done with #3 and #4. I bought book 3 the other day so I will hopefully get a chance to start it today. The movie New Moon also comes out today, which im stoked about. My hubby will actually watch it with me. He liked the first one so hopefully he will like this one too. Ive seen it in Theaters but has been a while! I just cant get over how Twilight obsessed I am. I mean Edward Cullen is THE perfect guy...he is sooo sweet and charming and is inevitably in love with Bella. It makes you want to be Bella for a day to see what it feels like to have someone THAT into you. :) Well enjoy your wkend, its going to be a beautiful one! 70's alllll weekend, Hallelija!!!!


Monday, March 15, 2010

another week gone by

Wow..can't believe that spring break is over allready. I didn't do much, worked and relaxed! I guess you don't get to have a fun spring break when you work full time. Lame. :) well my madre is in the hospital for her 2nd surgery on her shoulder. As I'm sitting here thinking about what I need to do this week this blog suddenly came to mind. I fig'd I'm sitting in the waiting room mineaswell do something useful. She's been outta surgery for about a hour now it seems, she's in recovery. Seems like it's been a while but I guess these things take time. I've been reading my book..can you guess what it is? You got it, New Moon..the twilight series! Yessss I'm still reading book number 2. Slow reader I guess and this one isn't as interesting as the 1st one is. As always, have a good Monday. Casey*

Monday, March 8, 2010

Manic Monday

Just another manic monday, wish it was Sunday...cuz thats my fun day!!! Actually I think my fun days are Saturdays. I dont have to work..ever. My hubbys home with me. Anddd you can just relax!!! I really feel like this wkend flewwww by. I probbaly say that everytime I blog, LoL. Right now I'm watching the Bachelor . I swore I would never watch it again, but here I am watching it. I think this show is rigged. :) Well work this week is going to be long I can see it allready. Hubbys gone again, and the Tues-Fri. weeks are the worssse for me. Their soo long and drawn out. Im pretty stoked though--because I'm 2 weeks ahead on my school work! I love my long weekends because I get to catch up and do extra. So that makes it nice. Well I know yall get tired of hearing me blab on. Talk to you in a few days! :)


Friday, March 5, 2010

Wkend time!!!

Hubbys home, yayy! But has to go back next week. :*( reallyyy over this outta town thing! Todays my momma's birthday. We went to Pirates Cove for dinner. Love that place. They serve you great size portions for really reasonable prices. Im soo glad it's the wkend! It's my 4 day wkend which is even better. Nothin much going on this wkend for once! I reeeaallllyy need a oil change so I'll do that tomorrow along with jazzercise! Speaking of, I LOVEEE! It's a lott of fun. Kinda like a mix of dancing and aerobics. A lot of people in my class are really good and younger. Oh well, Ive only done it for about 3 weeks-hopefully I get better. Sunday this new thing is starting it's called "bikini body". It's pilates-based! I'll let you know how that works out for me :) :) Hopefully good. We're planning a trip to Cancun for around September. Well Happy Wkend to all!!!


Monday, March 1, 2010

Another Monday

Another week. Man, I can't believe its March allready. Time fliiees! My husband is outta town again :( Hopefully this will be the last week..but at least I have good in-laws that let me and my dogs stay with them. Anybody out there watch the Bachelor? The finale is tonight, i'm pretty stoked about it! I think he is gonna choose Vienna. Whcih is ashame, I really like the Tinley girl. Once again another long Monday. I'm debating wether or not i'm doing jazzercise tonight. I've had a headache for going on about 5 days now so I think I need to chill out tonight. I'm starting to run out of things to blog about. My days are kinda the same it feels like and my blogs seem to be kinda repetitive. Well hope yall have a good week; hopefully it goes by fast! :)
