Went to PF Changs tonight! Amaazzzinnng. Love their spicy chicken..its like general tsos from a chinese restaurant! It's really good..also their lettuce wraps are simply out of this world! Well this wkend is suppose to be a messy one. Rainy, thunderstorms, blah..blah. Do they really know what is going to happen? Im unsure. Today was beautiful out! Anyways..no plans as of yet! Really hoping this wkend is a slow one and doesnt fly by! It seems like this whole year is flying by, doesnt it? My husband is playing softball with the church and also with his work. This past week was their first week. He was jokin on me when I first started my jazzercise bc I was sooo sore. He didnt realize how sore he would actually be! Been a while since he's ran a whole lot so he's feeling it now...just like i did with jazzercise! Ohhh...I FINISHED the twilight series! That is something I accomplished during this semister. I read all 4 books. Incredible. I can't wait to see the movies now. Im anxious. I finished the 4th book last night. Any other good books anybody knows about. I think Im in a mystery/vampire/love stage in my life. :)
Friday, April 23, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
*sweet summertime*
I can't believe this week is allready coming to an end! Is it flying by or is it just me? Unbelievable! I do love how we have actually had a spring this year! Its been super nice. But I didn't want to mention the scorching summer we will probably have! It seems to work outt that way; freeezzzinnng winter = hottt as heck summer! Which is ok in my book as long as it doesn't get up in the 100s! Blah. I love it around 70/75degrees. That's my perfect day! I really hope it doesn't rain this wkend. Here's my newest theory: it seems as if it rains mon-fri when we have to work and sat and sunday it pours down rain! Hateeee it. Oh well I guess that's beautiful mother nature and today is Earth Day so I should appreciate it! Well, I went and saw the movie The Last Song. I definitly cried like a baby. Lame. Its a really great story. I thought I wouldn't like it bc Miley Cyrus is in it and I don't really dig her....buttt I enjoyed it, despite the tears! But a good cry every now and then is good for the heart. :) a lot of good movies are coming out now'a'days. I wish we still had our netflix so we could watch some of the new releases! Speaking of that..netflix is perfect, I think I'm gonna sign up to receive it again. Hey its great. You can keep the movies as long as u want and watch them on your own time. We got rid of it bc we were never watching them. Got too busy at one point in our lives, but I think now were at the point where we like to be at home a lot and is over the 'going out' phase! Who knows what we will do. I guess we'll figure it out day by day. :) have a greaaatt wkend-even if it rains! Casey*
Thursday, April 15, 2010
almost the wkend-finnaallly! :)
I can't believe we only have about 2wks left of class. It seems like this semister just flew by. Actually this whole year...this whole lifee is FlYInG byy! I'm so glad I have a 3 day wkend this wkend! Soo needed. Our anniversary is coming up, May24th, 2 years! We aren't doing much on the day. Our gift to eachother is a trip to Cancun in August! Super excited. We finnally booked it. Unsure if we were gonna be able to but it worked out that we can and I'm so glad! :) we went there for our honeymoon and a couple of friends of ours asked if we wanted to go this year. So it'll be fun. Were gonna go to X Caret and do some swimming in the lagoon that's in caves, swim w dolphines, etc. And a lott of relaxing! It should be a great time! Can't wait. Anyway hope yall enjoy this wkend. Suppose to be in the 70s..mostly sunny--maybe rain? Unsure of that thus far. It changes dailey so who really knows. Enjoy it if its nice out. :). Casey*
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
when life gives you lemons..throw them at someone :)
It seems I have hurt my knee in some way. I fell down the steps a few days ago so I'm guessing that's how! I'm ssooooo clumsy its unreal. I must have twisted it on the inside part of my leg bc when I move, walk, anything it has a sharp tingling feeling. It prob doesn't help that I'm still been doing jazzercise. What a freak I am! I havnt been doing it at the same intensity, a little less, but I should probably not do it until it hurts! Wow it took me writing this to realize that. :) I'm almost done with book4 twilight. It's hard to put down.. A lot diff then the other ones. I think I just want to know how it ends. I want to skip to find out but then the surprise will be over. I'm sooo glad I have internet on my phone. I'm laying in bed, reading, and realize wow I need to blog! So I pick up phone and discover I can blog on my phone. Who would'a thought?! Amazing. Technology: Love ittt! I'm so glad its Tuesday. 2 more days left in this awful workweek! Its like time goes sooo slow during the week and wkends flyy by! Well I better head to bed. Gotta be up bright and early (unfortunaly) in the AM. Casey*
Sunday, April 11, 2010
happy Sunday!
Spring break is officially over. Back to the grind in the AM! It went by wayy to fast. Oh welll that's how it works. Well, we only have a few more Sundays left in our bowling league. Almost there. Myself, my husband and our bro-in-law bowls on our team. We normally do good and get either 1st or 2nd, this year we just aren't into it for some strange reason. We are tied for last! Omg--its bad! :) Anyway can't win them all I reckon! So I'm slowly reading book 4 on twilight. I really have enjoyed the series thus far. I think its bc I'm older. I wouldn't let a 13yr old teenage girl read it. It would make her very insecure and think everything revolves around love and beautiful people. But I enjoy it now that I'm older than a teen. :) anyways I have to bowl so I better get up there. Have a great Sunday! Casey*
Thursday, April 8, 2010
spring break is Overr:(
I can't believe spring break is almost over. It was suppose to rain today but yet again it was beautiful. I love this kinda weather! We still have my hubbys little cousins for the rest of the week. Today we were suppose to go fishing but my bro-in-law bailed out so we never went. Kinda a boring day! Lounged around, took the kids to baseball practice, did some jazzercise and tonight were just cookin out and wacthin a movie. I tried to make some dirty rice for dinner but I seem to not be able to follow directions very well. I added extra rice that seems to take 40minutes--vs the 20minutes that its suppose to! Oops. Hubby says if I followed directions a lot more things would turn out right. Haha. Oh well, I guess that's just part of me--doesnt listen very well. :-/ anyways-i guess that's all for now. Casey*
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Today was a scorcher! We went to busch gardens, first week that they opened this year due to spring break. It was a lot of fun, hot and crowded but fun! Lines actually weren't that bad to get on the rides--they went quuick which was surprising. Normally it feels like you wait forever! I'm also off tomorrow, were watching our 2 lil cousins. If it doesn't rain we are gonna go fishing. Hopefully it doesn't. If it does I guess its a day watching movies and eating a lot! :) well I finished twilight 3 -eclipse! It was really good I'm really excited about the movie coming out. I got number 4 starting on it now! Well hope everyone has a great spring break! Casey*
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Easter wkend
I cant believe it is Easter wkend allready. Time is really flying by. This will be the first time in a long time that both my husband and I families will be celebrating together. Were having a big cook-out I guess you could call it Sunday. Gonna be a lot of fun. Other than that not much is going on. VERY busy lately with work, school, working out .. really have no time for myself. I'm so glad it's suppose to be in the high 70's this wkend!! I love it!!! Today so far it's kina cloudy but hopefully Mr. Sunshine will come out. :) A lot to do today, finish up my paper, go get groceries for Easter, pick up my in-laws from the air-port...it really seems neverrr ending! Well hope all of you have a great Easter. See yah later.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
springs in the air
Well its Tuesday..3 more days to go of the week. Blah. Do you ever just have one of those really long weeks? Allready, and it's only been 2days! I wish I could win the lottery and then that way I wouldn't have to put up with the crazy mess I have to from 7-5 everyday. I guess that's what this blog is for--venting! :) anywayyss, I'm still reading Twilight 3. Its going slow because I have ssooo much going on. It feels like it never ends. I'm so glad the rain seems to be stopping! The rest of the week it's suppose to be in the upper 70s supperrr glad about that! I can feel spring in the air with my allergies- feeling it in my ears, nose, throat .. Everywhere. Well on the bright side we are booking our trip to Cancun in August today! Should be a lot of fun. Were gonna go to X caret and swim in the lagoons with sea turtles and dolphins! Really can't wait. Well enough about my life again. Seeyah next time! Casey*
Thursday, March 25, 2010
melting pot loveeee it
So tonight is the melting pot!! So excited; I'm going with a bunch of my girl friends. My hub and I go once a year bc its so expensive but I'm splurging tonight. Sooooo excited. Can u tell? This wkend is going to be great. My husbands uncle from hawaii flew in yesterday! Were having a party for him Friday. Saturday we are going to the DC and coming home Sunday. Hopefully the rain will hold off!!
Monday, March 22, 2010
just another manic monday...wish it was sunday...thats my funday
Does anyone ever feel that way?? I love that song! Today has been a great Monday--well I was off so that's probably what made it so great. Went to Kohls, out to breakfast and just hung out w. My momma and hubby! I can't believe spring is in the air. This wkend has been perfect. Saturday was in the 70s..very nice day! We tried to go to the zoo but they were jammin! I guess everybody had the same idea that we had. We went to doumars in Norfolk which was delicious then well attempted to go to the zoo. Didn't work out so great but hey there's all summer. I'd like to go to the Washington zoo. That'll be this summer too! Well I'm going to go read my addiction. :) Twilight 3. I'm on chp 12..in two days--for me, a slow reader..that's pretty darn good. Haha anyways have a great week. Hopefully this rain goes away and the sun shines bright again. Casey*
Friday, March 19, 2010
Gorgeous Day Out
Hooraayyy for Fridays! I love them. I especiaallyy love this one for 2 reasons. Reason # uno: my hubby comes home today ... and Reason # 2: the gorgeous weather!!!! Wowwww. I LOVE IT. Oh 3rd Reason..Im off, duhh. :) Not much to do today, some cleaning..gotta take my mom to her physical therapy appt and then waiting for my hub to get home from petersburg. Unfortuatly he has to go back agaaiinnn next week. So over this outta town crap. But everyone keeps telling me at least he has a job so thats definitly true! So I finished the 2nd Twilight book New Moon last night, about 1AM. Im really glad I finished it, I was going to skip it and just go to #3 but decided to suck it up. Im glad I did, it turned out being pretty good. Everyone says that #2 is thier least favorite. I'll let you know when I'm done with #3 and #4. I bought book 3 the other day so I will hopefully get a chance to start it today. The movie New Moon also comes out today, which im stoked about. My hubby will actually watch it with me. He liked the first one so hopefully he will like this one too. Ive seen it in Theaters but has been a while! I just cant get over how Twilight obsessed I am. I mean Edward Cullen is THE perfect guy...he is sooo sweet and charming and is inevitably in love with Bella. It makes you want to be Bella for a day to see what it feels like to have someone THAT into you. :) Well enjoy your wkend, its going to be a beautiful one! 70's alllll weekend, Hallelija!!!!
Monday, March 15, 2010
another week gone by
Wow..can't believe that spring break is over allready. I didn't do much, worked and relaxed! I guess you don't get to have a fun spring break when you work full time. Lame. :) well my madre is in the hospital for her 2nd surgery on her shoulder. As I'm sitting here thinking about what I need to do this week this blog suddenly came to mind. I fig'd I'm sitting in the waiting room mineaswell do something useful. She's been outta surgery for about a hour now it seems, she's in recovery. Seems like it's been a while but I guess these things take time. I've been reading my book..can you guess what it is? You got it, New Moon..the twilight series! Yessss I'm still reading book number 2. Slow reader I guess and this one isn't as interesting as the 1st one is. As always, have a good Monday. Casey*
Monday, March 8, 2010
Manic Monday
Just another manic monday, wish it was Sunday...cuz thats my fun day!!! Actually I think my fun days are Saturdays. I dont have to work..ever. My hubbys home with me. Anddd you can just relax!!! I really feel like this wkend flewwww by. I probbaly say that everytime I blog, LoL. Right now I'm watching the Bachelor . I swore I would never watch it again, but here I am watching it. I think this show is rigged. :) Well work this week is going to be long I can see it allready. Hubbys gone again, and the Tues-Fri. weeks are the worssse for me. Their soo long and drawn out. Im pretty stoked though--because I'm 2 weeks ahead on my school work! I love my long weekends because I get to catch up and do extra. So that makes it nice. Well I know yall get tired of hearing me blab on. Talk to you in a few days! :)
Friday, March 5, 2010
Wkend time!!!
Hubbys home, yayy! But has to go back next week. :*( reallyyy over this outta town thing! Todays my momma's birthday. We went to Pirates Cove for dinner. Love that place. They serve you great size portions for really reasonable prices. Im soo glad it's the wkend! It's my 4 day wkend which is even better. Nothin much going on this wkend for once! I reeeaallllyy need a oil change so I'll do that tomorrow along with jazzercise! Speaking of, I LOVEEE! It's a lott of fun. Kinda like a mix of dancing and aerobics. A lot of people in my class are really good and younger. Oh well, Ive only done it for about 3 weeks-hopefully I get better. Sunday this new thing is starting it's called "bikini body". It's pilates-based! I'll let you know how that works out for me :) :) Hopefully good. We're planning a trip to Cancun for around September. Well Happy Wkend to all!!!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Another Monday
Another week. Man, I can't believe its March allready. Time fliiees! My husband is outta town again :( Hopefully this will be the last week..but at least I have good in-laws that let me and my dogs stay with them. Anybody out there watch the Bachelor? The finale is tonight, i'm pretty stoked about it! I think he is gonna choose Vienna. Whcih is ashame, I really like the Tinley girl. Once again another long Monday. I'm debating wether or not i'm doing jazzercise tonight. I've had a headache for going on about 5 days now so I think I need to chill out tonight. I'm starting to run out of things to blog about. My days are kinda the same it feels like and my blogs seem to be kinda repetitive. Well hope yall have a good week; hopefully it goes by fast! :)
Thursday, February 25, 2010
American Idol
Has anyone watched American Idol this week? Wowsers...I thought this was suppose to be the best season EVER. Ha, yeah right. All the girls but 2 (I thought) did awful. And Last night the guys I only like 2 or 3. Everyone is so pitchy and out of tune. Im definitly not a singer or a judge but I know how to listen. This season will be interesting, if I even watch it. I might get tired of it. Well its Thursday... Thursdays are nice. It's even better when you have off the next day. Too bad I'm not off. This week seemed to dragg on. Hubby outta town and have had a migraine since Tuesday. They are awful. Unfortunatly I work in a Dental office with a LOT of light so I just had to tough it out. It's hard when 3 other people call out sick, kinda makes u feel obligated to go in..esp. if your one of the only ones who do what u do. Happy Thursday Eve everyone! =)
Monday, February 22, 2010
Hubby outta town :(
Is anyone else tired of the rain? I mean, wowwwwww. Rain and snow--I'm soo ready for spring!!!! I have 2 dogs and going outside is miserable. My husband or I have to bring them in through the garage wipe off 8 little paws and then let them in. It's such a hassle. I hear it's suppose to continue raining throughout the week and possibly SNOW on thursday. *blah* Save me now. =) It reallyy stinks this week. My hubbys outta town, so i'm pretty sad. He's only in Petersburg for one week..but it still feels like forever! It's just me and the dogs. Well and I'm stayin at my in-laws..so them too =) I'm definitlyyyy a big baby when it comes to staying by myself. I have a house on a one way street so not many cars come up and down so you would think I would consider it safe. It definitly very much is safe I just hate staying alone. My ma lives about 1 mile up the road so if anything was to happen she could be there in a second buuuuutttt why take the chance?! (hahhaaa) ALSO you would think I would feeel secure with one 65 lb'er and a 75 lb dog...Guess I'm just a weirdo. :) Well it's almost time for the Bachelor to come on. Tonight it's the Women Tell All. Should be interesting. I really like the show but it's kinda getting to be the same ol same ol ... so ... it's kinda getting old. We'll see who wins the finale. I dont think he is going to choose either one of the 2 girls he has. But, we shall see.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
ODU, Breast Cancer Awareness
This morning as I wake up, I'm really anxious. I feel sick in the very pit of my stomache. I'm doing a jazzercise routine at the ODU halftime show for the womens basketball game. It's for a good cause, all the proceeds go to Breast Cancer Awareness; BUT i have to be in it ... which I'm unsure how thats going to turn out. And see, I hate being the center of attention, and there is about 30 other girls doing it but if I mess up it'll cause me to stand out--which is very likely to happen at this stage. We just learned the dance routine yesterday and only had 3 hours of practice ...so my friend and I are kinda worried we will forget some of the steps. Well, you only live once so why not live it up and make a fool of yourself, haha. We are dancing to Beyonce's...All the Single Ladies. =) Like I said, will be interesting! I can't believe it's Sunday allready..this weekend just flew by(yet again). Well hope the blog world has a great, relaxing Sunday.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Cant believe Valentines Day is overr. Wow, time is just flying by! I got my favorite..edible arrangements :) Choc. covered strawberries. Cant go wrong there. =) just will have to do double the jazzercise to make up for them. Hahaaa yeah right. So i'm sitting here running out of things to talk about in my blogs. I feel as if i am boring everyone. I sit and ponder who actually is reading about me?? Who finds this interesting?? If you do...props to you ;) Well I've seen a couple new movies out in the theaters. The first one I saw was Dear John, it was okay..could have waited for a rental. Buuuttt Channing Tatum is very nice to look at :) :) :) Then over Valentines wkend I saw "Warewolf" and "Valentines Day". They were both really good. Warewolf was super great! I loved it. It wasn't tooo scary, but it was suspenseful and kinda gory..which was cool. Other than that, for Vtines...we just went to dinner. Well hope yall had a great one. 3 more days left of the work week :) Cant wait for the wkend!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Olympics . Twenty Ten
Im pretty stoked that the Olympics are on. I'm watching the Opening Ceremony now. My favorite part of the Winter Olympics....is.....probably....definitly the ice skating. I also like the snowboarding. I love the tricks they do! It makes me wish I could be like them and do what they do. Ive tried snowboarding once. It was a big fail. (haha) The hardest part was getting off the lift. I fell everytime. I'm pretty good...or use to be pretty good at skiing. I havnt been in about 9 years. The first time I everr went skiing though, it was simply amazing. Actually I did so good I went down the Black Diamond my very first day! I was thrilled, and so proud of myself. I probably should have waited until Day 2 for the Black Diamond but hey we live and learn! My hubby still to this day has never been skiing, I Cant wait to plan a trip in the near future. I forget how long the Olympics last...weeks I think? Then again I really cannot remember. Well, it'll be fun watching. It would be even funner there in person -- cold..but fun! =)
*Casey ..... PS .... Happy Valentine Wkend <3 =)
*Casey ..... PS .... Happy Valentine Wkend <3 =)
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Long Day
Has anybody just had a realllyyy long day. I feel like thats how my day has been going. Woke up this morning and my favorite jacket ..my husband washed... now the zipper fell off of it. I was running about 15 min. late to get to work bc I woke up on the wrong side of the bed...kinda crabby. Then when I got to work we worked nonstop 8-1pm then had a staff meeting from 1pm-5pm on lecturing blah blah blah. =)And Im definitly not complaining because Im lucky to have a job but at our staff meetings we always only either have pizza or chinese for lunch. Blahhhh today it was chinese, so now my stomache is absolutely killing me. Then I promised 3 ppl I would do the jazzercise class with them, little did I know they werent all going at the same time. So to uphold my promise I did the 5:40 class AND the 6:40 class. Wow. Im just exhausted. So I just came home and ate my salad but I have soo much to do. It never ends. I really cant wait until this wkend. V-tines day it is...Hm. I'm not doing much of anything that I know of, haha. Releaxing with the hubby thats about it. Well Im glad I could bore yall with my day ;)
Monday, February 8, 2010
Saints win it
Well it was a great wkend. Saints won, which was cool. I ended up going for the Colts but of course they lost. Now that I look back i'm kinda glad Saints won. They have never been to a super bowl and all they've been through with Katrina I think it will help boost their egos some. Even though I did hear at the party I was that next yr NFL is going on a strike? What the heck....really??? Someone said because their not paid enough. I would like to know who said that because I will switch spots with them in a instant and make what they make! I feel they make a lot of money just to throw the ball around and run back and forth and make a couple touchdowns! Man, must be nice. I'd do it...and I dont even know that much about football. :) hhaaha. Anyways. Im takin this jazzercise class, it's kickin my butt. I take it when I get off work, so after a longgg day at work I go to this jazzercise class, what a moron. =) But hey, I love being in shape and it actually makes me have more energy. Strange huh. I can be in the worst mood walking into the door and it changes as soon as I hit the floor. It's so fun and upbeat and everyone is so nice. You just dance around and do whatever, no one judges, or watches like at a gym. Anyways hope yall all have a greet week. Im sooooo ready for the wkend allready!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Heree we go again :)
Yessss...it's the weeekend! Sooo glad! Not many things planned. Lets see: tomorrow i'm going to see the new movie "Dear John"..Saturday: nothing..Sunday: Super Bowl. Really stoked about that.....as I posted before! :) I think Ive decided I'm going for the Colts. I really wanted Saints at first but I keep going back to Colts. So I think thats who Im gonna root for. Were havin a super bowl party with some of our friends..I love this time of year! You get to eat all the wrong food and watch some good football...Hopefully good football. It seems every year that the playoff games are better than the superbowl is. This year we had some great playoff games! Too bad ol' Brett Favre didnt pull out a big win and take his team home. Well, hopefully it doesnt snow us all in again this weekend. Whew, that was rough. Ready for it all to just melt away. Im reeallyy getting ready for spring weather. Thats definitly my favorite season. Well hope yall have a great wkend! Enjoy the superbowl as much as I will.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Snow Wkend
Well the snow was definitly fun. My 2 little cousins came over and played which was super fun. We made snow cream...didnt turn out like I expected, I think we added too much vanilla. Well the snow was great but Im ready for it to go now. Really stoked about this weekend..super bowl!! Im still unsure who. :) Well back to the grind tomorrow, at least I'm off Friday. =)
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Bloggin 6
I am stoked about this weekend. Forecast is calling for 6-10 inches of snow! We havn't had snow since the 90s. I've always wanted a white Christmas, but as we know, thats passed...so a white end of January will do. :) I'm such a kid, I cant wait to go out and throw snowballs at my husband, make snowangels and ride a tube down the hill. Like Ive said before I have 2 dogs. Bella, my american bulldog, has been in the snow once..she seemed to like it okay. Shes the type of dog who doesnt like to get her paws wet when it rains outside. She will hold her bathroom all day rather than go outside. Shes ALL girl..miss priss, prim & proper we call her. But then we have the lab, Brody. Whew...hes such a mess! Total oppisite, alllllllll boy! He loves, loves LOVES water! Rain water, shower water, pool water..you name it, he's in it! This will be the first snow he sees so it'll be fun watching them play in it! Hope you guys enjoy the snow day as much as I will, they dont come around too often! :)
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
This on-line class is much harder than I thought it would be. I have so many questions about it. I feel like I'm the only one confused? I love the teacher, shes great at answering my questions for me. Well besides school & work nothing else is going on. Football this weekend was realllllyyyy interesting! I was rooting for Colts and Saints...and guess who won! LoL. Im stoked about the Super Bowl...I think I'm going to vote for the Saints because they have never even been to the super bowl! I like the underdogs, since my team didnt even make it. =)
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Numero 4
Wow, this week flew by! I was sick on Monday & Tuesday and out of work..so Wednesday & Thursday just flew by for me. My work schd is pretty cool. I have tomorrow and Monday off..then we will work next week Tues-Fri...then the next week Mon-Thurs; and then have another 4 day wkend. Does that make any sense??? :) I work for a dentist office on Cedar Rd..right near TCC Campus actually. I love the dental field, but I cannot wait to start my career as a Nurse. I'm not your normal dental assistant. I help out the hygienist. I take x-rays, schd appts, work a lot faster paced then doing a restorative appointment. Well, No plans so far for the weekend..hopefully the weather will clear up!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Bloggin' away!
Well I don't think y'all knew but I'm a huge Dallas fan! Did you watch the game on Sunday?? They got destroyed!! 34-3 Vikings win. Very lame. So they are out of the playoffs. But hey first time made it to playoffs in 13 years...gotta give them someee credit :) Anyone else a Dallas fan? So I told y'all I would update you with my reading of Twilight. Don't know if anybody is interested but hey who cares...this is my blog. :) LoL. I finished reading it and loved it! I'm onto Book number 2 now. Anyone read it? I hear the 2ND one is pretty boring but books 3 & 4 are awesome. I'll let you know when I'm done with all of them. Well, hope y'all are having a great week.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Day 2 in the blogging world. =)
Well, this is kind of interesting. I never saw myself as a blogger..but I'm kinda diggin' it. =) Well I'll take this blog to tell all my fellow classmates and whoever else cares a little about me. I dont know if thats what your suppose to do on this...but I'm going to do it. I'm 23. I graduated from Deep Creek High in '05. I just like to have a good time like anyone else. Laughing is good for the soul, soo.. of course I do it alot! I believe that there comes a time in life when you have to let go of all the pointless drama and the people who create it! I love love LOVE the color green and looking at the stars. I'm a mess & my room usually always is too. I'm very much definitly a dork. I give better advice to my friends than I do myself. I like the beach, to watch a few basketball games and eat chicken wings! Love UNC basketball. Im a hopeless romantic. I like the simple things in life and I love my family. Tomatoes are horrible, but I like ketchup?? Weird..I know! I hate speed limits. I love the Atlanta Braves. Other than my husband, my momma is my best friend. Im a spoiled mommas little girl, very proud of it!! I Love Marilyn Monroe, she was simply amazing! I'm always cold but I love the winter! I have a few close friends whom I love to death. I want to see the world. I hate liars and mean people suck. I think life's waayy too short so live it to the fullest. GO DALLAS. I am a dessert freak. I love ice cream. I mean, Who doesn't like Will Ferrell? C'mon he's the greatest!! I like pina colidas...a lott! I am married to the love of my life as of May 24 2008. We have 2 great dogs: Bella&Brody. I worry way to much about everything, and everyone. I hate spiders. Never regret anything because at one time . . . it was exactly what you wanted! Last thing i'm gonna say is--Smile.. it's pretty ;o)
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
First Blog EVER...
Well, this will be my first blog ever. Should be interesting. Today was a super long day at work...being a dental assistant is tough work at times. I'm not a "normal" assistant though. I work with the hygienist, which some people think is odd. I schedule appts, take x-rays, polish teeth, etc.etc. It's veryy fast paced. We see patients every 50 minutes and we see about 18-20 patients a day. (Thats just per hygienist...and we have 3, that normally work in one day) Anyway, glad to be home now. So, currently i'm in the middle of reading the book Twilight! Loveee it! Im definitly addicted. Im only on chapter 17 ... out of 24 chapters. =) I'm so into it I went out and bought the movie so I could recognize the characters in the book. (haha) I definitly love it, and can't wait to finish so I can read the other 3 books. I'll let you know how it goes.
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