Monday, February 22, 2010

Hubby outta town :(

Is anyone else tired of the rain? I mean, wowwwwww. Rain and snow--I'm soo ready for spring!!!! I have 2 dogs and going outside is miserable. My husband or I have to bring them in through the garage wipe off 8 little paws and then let them in. It's such a hassle. I hear it's suppose to continue raining throughout the week and possibly SNOW on thursday. *blah* Save me now. =) It reallyy stinks this week. My hubbys outta town, so i'm pretty sad. He's only in Petersburg for one week..but it still feels like forever! It's just me and the dogs. Well and I'm stayin at my them too =) I'm definitlyyyy a big baby when it comes to staying by myself. I have a house on a one way street so not many cars come up and down so you would think I would consider it safe. It definitly very much is safe I just hate staying alone. My ma lives about 1 mile up the road so if anything was to happen she could be there in a second buuuuutttt why take the chance?! (hahhaaa) ALSO you would think I would feeel secure with one 65 lb'er and a 75 lb dog...Guess I'm just a weirdo. :) Well it's almost time for the Bachelor to come on. Tonight it's the Women Tell All. Should be interesting. I really like the show but it's kinda getting to be the same ol same ol ... so ... it's kinda getting old. We'll see who wins the finale. I dont think he is going to choose either one of the 2 girls he has. But, we shall see.


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